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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

New stencil printing platform impresses with non-stop production capabilities, robust design, and production speed


ASMPT Premieres DEK TQ L for Top Customers at Brazil Road Show Event

ASMPT continues to see high demand for its new DEK TQ L stencil printer, and today announced another successful event showcasing the ground-breaking print technology. From June 16-19, the company held an invitation-only technology seminar in its Barueri, São Paulo facility in Brazil, welcoming top EMS and OEM customers for in-depth demonstrations of the award-winning platform.

With a feature set designed for high-reliability processing of the most demanding applications – from mobile to automotive to 5G infrastructure – the DEK TQ L offers assembly specialists a high-efficiency, high-accuracy platform that delivers on all fronts. A robust machine, the DEK TQ L provides electronics assembly leaders in Brazil with the perfect balance of performance, durability, and open automation communication protocols.

“Being competitive in today’s PCB assembly sector means finding efficiency at every opportunity,” explains ASMPT General Manager, Brazil, Cesar Takamine. “Brazil is the electronics export gateway for Latin America and the US; product quality is the expectation and cost-competitiveness required. DEK TQ L helps our customers achieve these goals, and the Road Show program demonstrated how this technology can help meet those objectives.”

A platform that goes beyond

A team of ASMPT engineering, applications, and business development staff hosted each session, where customers were able to dive deep into their specific applications and discuss capabilities of the equipment aligned with unique requirements. Attendees were impressed with DEK TQ L’s print quality and speed statistics, boasting wet print accuracy of +/- 17 µm @ 2 Cpk and a core cycle time of 6.5 seconds. Moreover, the unmatched technologies that allow full-shift, non-stop production were highlights of each customer session.

Engineered in a comparatively small footprint, DEK TQ L integrates big-impact features like high consumables capacity and a dual-access cover that enables on-the-fly paste replenishment with no machine stop required. The DEK TQ L can run continuously, for up to eight hours or more, without assistance. Other technologies like Smart Pin support, high-speed understencil cleaning, automatic paste management, universal All-Purpose Clamping, and seamless open communications integration combine to make DEK TQ L the leading platform for high-reliability, cost-effective printing performance.

“While efficiency is essential, cost-competitiveness cannot come at the expense of quality,” says Takamine. “Customers at the event emphasized this point, and were amazed by DEK TQ L’s thoughtful engineering and ability to bridge this gap, taking stencil printing and continuous production to a new level.”

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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