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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Everything you need to print – from a single source


Achieving printing excellence with ASMPT

Technology leader ASMPT is already the world’s only equipment manufacturer that can supply everything you need for the solder paste printing process from a single source: printing platforms, materials, toolings, smart processes, and process experts. Now, ASM underscores this claim even further with its “ASM Guarantees Printing Excellence” promise. ASM’s Printing Excellence website explains everything you need to know about optimizing your printing processes with perfectly coordinated components. ASM even offers audits that score the quality of your existing printing environment and identifies potential improvements you can make by using integrated ASM solutions.

“Electronics manufacturers wanting to optimize their printing processes can quickly turn hidden efficiency reserves into sustainable improvements. Besides being the world’s largest manufacturer of stencils, ASM is the only supplier in the world that can offer everything you need for the stencil printing process from a single source. We don’t just simplify your logistics – thanks to our extensive process expertise, we are also the only supplier who can accept the responsibility to optimize your printing process as a true partner – from the DEK printer to stencils, toolings, consumables, the SPI system, and expert support,” says Alexander Hagenfeldt, Head of ASM Product Marketing.

Four factors for optimized solder paste printing

ASM guarantees ‘printing excellence’ via the interaction of four factors, all of which are explained in detail at Under “Machines and Software” you will find information about ASM’s printer platforms (DEK TQ, DEK NeoHorizon, and E by DEK) as well as about a wide range of software solutions for machine operation, printing process control, and the data interchange with SPI systems and/or the integrated smart factory. “Tools and Materials” covers consumables, toolings, SMT stencils, and frame systems. ASM is the world’s largest manufacturer of SMT stencils and produces within its smart stencil network stencils from virtually all available materials, single- and multi-stepped, coated or uncoated, all according to uniform quality standards.

The third factor comprises “Process Control and Optimization”. With its ASM ProcessLens, ASM has developed the first completely controlled SPI system. It combines extremely high resolution with the widest measurement range in the industry. And with the ASM ProcessLens software, it can be expanded to the world’s first self-learning inline expert system that can optimize the printing process autonomously. By making use of this technology, ASM also offers with its DFM HealthCheck the ability to generate virtual prints based on Gerber data and make reliable predictions regarding the printing process stability, the stencil design, and the best possible process settings.

The “Process Expertise” area covers the services of the ASM Centers of Competence (CoCs), ASM’s consulting services in the printing field, and the ASM Academy. In the CoCs, users gain access to ASM’s broad printing know-how in webinars and workshops. They can even run evaluations and tests on fully equipped production lines. The ASM CoCs connect customers with ASM’s process experts and other users all over the world while the ASM Academy provides customers anywhere in the world with access to the latest knowledge about SMT processes and ASM equipment, at any time.

Printing quality score identifies potential

For electronics manufacturers who want to make the most of their printing process, ASM’s experts offer one-day on-site audits during which they examine the client’s procedures and determine the current printing quality score as well as the ASM printing excellence score. The difference between the two scores identifies the potential that can be realized with ASM’s portfolio of printing solutions. Best of all, the customer always wins: if ASM is unable to achieve the intended improvements, the customer pays nothing for the materials used in the optimization project.

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Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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