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SMT topics in focus

ASM FactoryChat allows machines to post messages


Professional app for speedy shop floor communication

At this year’s Productronica trade fair, ASM presents at its booth (A3/377) innovative hardware and software solutions for the smart integration of processes, people, machines and material. One of these new solutions is ASM FactoryChat, a professional app for shop floor communication that represents an entirely new category of software for the integrated smart factory. While being as easy to use as familiar chat applications from the consumer segment, it was designed to meet the special needs of professional and secure team communication in electronics manufacturing environments. Especially smart: ASM FactoryChat allows not only the employees to communicate, but connected machines can generate posts and keep their own timelines as well.

The agile, connected manufacturing factory demands significantly shorter response times, which is why technology leader ASM is rolling out its ASM FactoryChat for speedy team communication on the modern shop floor. In addition to featuring the ease of operation that users are familiar with from other chat applications, the professional app meets important demands on IT and data security, comes with flexible administration of user rights, and enables the manufacturing-oriented structuring and archiving of messages and other contents. ASM is thus the world's first solution supplier for electronics production offering a modern, integrated and easily scalable app for professional factory communication that can integrate third-party equipment, areas outside of the electronics manufacturing world, and other company locations.

Communicating along the production chain

The software maps all manufacturing-related communication along a company's individual production chain in accordance with ANSI/ISA 95, which enables you to search and sort chats based on machines, lines, or locations. Employees can be assigned role-based views and rights within this structure.

In addition to individual chat timelines, all machines have profiles in which information such as maintenance schedules, notes, video-based training courses, and a whole lot more can be stored, which makes ASM FactoryChat much more than merely a messaging service. The app also functions as a shift report generator, a knowledge and document database, and a training and maintenance platform.

Connected machines become active participants in the communication that can generate trouble alerts, in the form of chat messages.

Open and scalable

ASM FactoryChat is flexible and highly scalable. Thanks to its integrated roles and rights management, it can be deployed company-wide, across multiple locations and production segments, and on various team and hierarchy levels. New employees and machines can be added quickly and easily.

High security standards

ASM FactoryChat can be accessed via all browser-capable devices. Companies with high IT and data security requirements will appreciate that it can be operated on ASM’s ADAMOS cloud platform or on-premise, i.e. on the user’s own web servers. In addition, all data can be archived on the customer's own servers. The cloud architecture eliminates a cumbersome installation process, and all updates and functional enhancements are loaded automatically. ASM FactoryChat digitizes and simplifies your shop floor communication. By making relevant information about your lines and machines available to all authorized people anywhere and anytime, you can minimize your line stops and make your entire operation more agile and more productive.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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