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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

New ASM webinar series starts in September


Process control in SMT production

The third round of free webinars offered by technology leader ASM will begin on September 14 with four webinars under the title “Zero DPMO as a goal: Process control in SMT production”. They can be booked individually or as a complete package in German or English.

“The Centers of Competence of technology leader ASM in Europe, Asia and America provide a unique way to evaluate production processes in real-life environments while gaining access to the know-how of ASM specialists and benefit from the experiences of other electronics manufacturers,” explains Bernhard Fritz, Head of the Global SMT CoC Network at ASM. “We are currently increasing the availability of remote demos, consultation for customer-specific applications, webinars and online training seminars for our customers. Our series of webinars cover challenging topics in SMT manufacturing in thematically consecutive but self-contained installments. Following the ‘mix-and-match’ principle, customers can choose the webinars that are most useful for them. To make the webinars as informative, practice-relevant and entertaining as possible, they feature not just presentations but talks with users, guest speakers, interviews, chats, Q&A sessions, live video feeds from real installations, and a whole lot more.”

Contents and dates of Series 3 of ASM webinars

The third series of ASM webinars deals with “Zero DPMO as a goal: Process control in SMT production” as ever more demanding applications lead to constantly rising requirements. Even the smallest details and interdependencies, including those posed by upstream and downstream processes, can cause instabilities. Using many real-life examples, the webinars explain how smart solutions can stabilize and improve processes in many different areas.

The first webinar on September 14 deals with “Material, product and process design”, followed by “Equipment” on September 16. They will be followed by “Smart processes” on September 21 and “Personnel” on September 23.

The series will be hosted by Jérôme Rousval, ASM's specialist for inspection technology and manufacturing process optimization. As a member of the ASM Product Marketing team, he is responsible for the automated process optimization solution Process Expert as well as for implementing AI across the entire SMT production line.

Recordings of previous webinar series

Registered users have also access to recordings of previous webinar series: “Integrating all production resources with the integrated smart factory” with Haithim Jeridi and “OSC and THT placement with the flexibility, speed and process control of modern placement machines” with Christoph Oeckl, Head of Center of Competence in Munich.

Webinar times and registration

All webinars will begin at 9:30 AM (CET) in English and at 2:00 PM (CET) in German. The registration form and more details about each seminar are available at

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As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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