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Webinare on demand

Here you can find a selection of our past webinars, available to you around the clock. Register to catch up on missed sessions and benefit from valuable insights and practical solutions for your business.


#IntelligentPlanning unleashes production potential

Our third webinar on the topic of intelligent factory series will be all about intelligent planning. In an informative and comprehensive way, we will show you how you can unleash production potential with innovative software solutions and align the priorities of orders, customer specifications and resources with the actual requirements of the SMT lines.


#IntelligentDataUse increases yield and performance

Our second webinar on the topic of intelligent production will be all about the intelligent use of data. In an informative and comprehensive way, we will show you how you can significantly increase the performance and yield of your SMT lines with innovative software solutions and the integrative analysis and use of the data generated in production.


#IntelligentDeployment makes workforces more effective

The first webinar in our Intelligent Factory webinar series was dedicated to effective workforce deployment. Very informative and comprehensive, we showed how intelligent software can help your operators and technicians maximize the productivity, yield and quality of your SMT lines.




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Deutsch | Englisch | Chinesisch

Choose your preferred language

German | English | Chinese


德语 | 英语 | 中文