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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Apprenticeships Stories

Amelia Luff

Human Resources

I joined ASMPT almost immediately after completing my A-Levels to pursue my interest in Human Resources. Completing an apprenticeship with ASMPT has given be the opportunity to acquire qualifications while giving me work experience that has enabled me to make some more decisions regarding my future career plans. My apprenticeship has developed not only my academic skills but soft skills such as communication, teamworking, project management and time management, I don’t believe that university would have developed those skills to the extent that would’ve prepared me to work in an office environment.

Kieran Heath

Mechanical Engineering

I knew I wanted to pursue a career in mechanical engineering but didn’t know the specific area, so I chose the apprenticeship route to gain experience in each aspect. ASMPT has supported me from the start and made me feel part of the team, and as a young engineer, this was very rewarding. I’m in my second placement area within the company, and I already have complete responsibility for some customer projects, giving me the best all-around experience. Meeting all the other students from ASMPT and participating in some of the sport and social clubs helped me relax outside of work and university, which I am attending twice a week in my first year.

Jacob Oldham

Mechanical Engineering

As a Mechanical Degree Apprentice at ASMPT I have had the opportunity to work with the mechanical engineering team on developing new products using top-of-the-line equipment. Throughout my apprenticeship I was expected to work with other areas of the business and with suppliers to achieve my goals and objectives to tight deadlines.
Applying the knowledge gained from these experiences proved to be invaluable whilst undertaking my Mechanical Engineering Degree at university. Doing an apprenticeship at ASMPT sets you up for success in both the industry and at university.

Harry Yard

Business Process

At ASMPT my apprenticeship allows me to work and learn simultaneously. It presents tasks and challenges you could never find in a classroom, building up skills and experiences necessary for my chosen career. With the help and support from ASMPT. It is one of the great parts of my apprenticeships.




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Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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