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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Expert voices on topics that move the industry

ASMPT White Papers shine a light on the electronics industry's current and relevant topics: our DEK and SIPLACE experts take an in-depth look at the latest technology, current hardware and software trends, production challenges and their solutions.

Open Automation White Paper

Open Automation

These white papers serve as a comprehensive guide for your automation plans and projects. The individual chapters will provide valuable suggestions and information on how you can transition to an optimally automated and thus more productive SMT factory.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

The right automation ratio matters

Is more automation always better? No. Partial automation and hybrid processes affect the bottom line more positively in most cases.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Evaluating automation opportunities

Where does automation on SMT lines really make sense? A critical analysis of a typical modern SMT line.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Less floor space – but more room to move

Learn how the use of robots affects topologies and layouts in electronics factories.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Simulation eliminates errors and saves time

Simulations are an essential element for Open Automation, particularly when they are combined with AI technologies.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Step-by-step automation

Retrofits for Automation? See how it works in the area of process optimization – using the example of Process Expert.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Openness and standards

See where freedom matters. Open and standardized interfaces such as IPC Hermes and IPC-CFX offer investment protection and reduce costs.

ASM Open Automation White Paper

Connection calls for synchronization

Machines and mobile robots are the new coworkers in electronics factories. If everything is connected, it must also be synchronized. Learn how to determine who does what.


Knowledge management on the shop floor

Sustainable trends in the digital transformation of maintenance and repair tasks as well as potential applications of these concepts will be presented.

ASMPT WORKS Command Center thumbnail

Smart software for smart factories

To deploy people as efficiently as possible, provide them with the best possible support and make them happy employees, you need smart, flexible and process-enhancing software solutions.


Intelligent maintenance strategies minimize process risks

With state-of-the-art software, condition-based maintenance can be carried out expediently and efficiently – even for feeders, which are particularly relevant in terms of process stability.


The role of material management in flexible electronics production

This White Paper covers the rising demands on synchronized material management in electronics production environments – a topic that has been neglected in many factories, but is becoming increasingly important.


0201m Process

In this white paper are shared results, experiences, challenges and of course ideas around the topic 0201m.


Odd-Shaped Components and Clinching

This white paper describes how the flexible SIPLACE SX placement solution can be used to integrate the placement and clinching of THT components into the SMT line’s production flow.


Robustness of Stencils

This white paper was initiated to analyze the impact of various parameters such as stencil tension, number of print cycles, squeegee, stencil wear, and solder paste volumetric transfer efficiencies on the quality of the solder deposit.


DFM HealthCheck

This white paper describes the unique technology of DFM HealthCheck and shows how developers can use this tool, also offered as a service when ordering a stencil from ASMPT, to save time and money.


Singulated Substrates

This white paper describes the challenges of printing individual substrates simultaneously and describes the different ASMPT singulated tooling systems created for this purpose.


New capabilities in stencil production

This White Paper covers the details and capabilities of the various methods of electroforming on the basis of a wide range of applications in the fields of SMT, semiconductor manufacturing, and the solar industry.


On-Board PCB Inspection

This white paper covers the topic of On-Board PCB Inspection, the benefits and typical scenarios, including comparing with AOI and SPI systems.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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