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SMT Analytics

Throughput analysis and optimization

SMT Analytics analyzes the SMT process in depth by detecting and localizing issues down to the specific placement location. Otherwise, such issues often remain unnoticed in the system and can lead to efficiency and performance reductions, such as lost build time, material, or cycle time. The innovative software supports employees in analyzing the causes, identifies performance impacts, and highlights optimization potentials to increase the overall production efficiency. The analysis process answers the following important questions:

  • Why is the production status like that?
  • What is the impact?
  • Where is the problem?
  • How was the performance in the past?
  • Why do I not achieve the target?

SMT Analytics analyzes three application fields



  • Saves short- and long-term production time
  • Helps to keep line efficient
  • Helps to achieve deadlines
  • Shows impact of production losses
  • Shows optimization potentials


  • Analyzes machine states
  • Locates and analyzes issues
  • Gives overview over production process and line operations
  • Compares production availability to potential losses


  • Helps to save resources and costs
  • Shows rejects reason, location and timing
  • Analyzes material contribution to line reject rate
  • Helps to benchmark lines

Use Cases

SMT Analytics answers questions about the five use cases:

Notice: For more information click on the triangles

Operational Analysis

Operational Analysis

(Condition Analysis)

Why is my line not in productive state and what is my performance availability loss?

  • Comparison of live data with machine states targets
  • Detection and localization of issues at the line
  • Analysis of performance and production availability impact

Advantage: Detailed analysis and understanding if productivity target was met and why possibly not

Reject Analysis

Reject Analysis

(Material Analysis)

What is the main cause of my reject loss?

  • Analysis and visualization of rejects
  • Rejects per component, component shape and feeder ID
  • Contribution to overall line reject rate

Advantage: Enhanced user knowledge of pickup process, component status and material losses

Error Analysis

Error Analysis

(Condition Analysis)

How do errors influence my uptime?

  • Analysis and description of each occurring error ID
  • Detailed insights down to the specific placement location combined with station and line overview
  • Detection of every error start and end time regardless of error duration

Advantage: Detailed overview and analysis of every error to understand uptime impact

Rate Efficiency Analysis

Rate Efficiency Analysis

(Time Analysis)

Why do I not achieve the target, even though the line is in productive state?

  • Detailed analysis to find speed loss events
  • Correlation of speed loss events to increased build time
  • Contribution to performance loss

Advantage: Detection of mostly unnoticed speed losses with long-term performance impact

Recipe Time Analysis

Recipe Time Analysis

(Time Analysis)

What is the effect on the recipe time if SIPLACE Pro settings are changed?

  • Performance analysis of original and new recipe download
  • Detection of different results, which influence throughput
  • Notification of potential performance losses due to changed settings in new recipe download

Advantage: Saves from short and long-term performance losses due to changed recipe settings


Your benefits at a glance

  • Practice-oriented use cases and dashboards
  • Analyses on placement, machine, line and facility level
  • Localization of problem causes
  • Identification even of difficult-to-locate shortfalls
  • Consideration of historical, real-time and reference data
  • Ensuring deadline compliance
  • Reduction of production costs

Pricing model and packages



Use Cases

  • Rate Efficiency Analysis
  • Reject Analysis
  • Recipe Time Analysis
  • Error Analysis


  • ASMPT Pick and Place machines


  • 7 dashboards


  • Unlimited


  • 10, 20, 50 or 100 machines



Use Cases

  • Rate Efficiency Analysis
  • Reject Analysis
  • Recipe Time Analysis
  • Error Analysis

Enhancements for e.g.

  • Rate Efficiency Analysis
  • Reject Analysis

New Use Cases e.g.

  • Recipe Changeover
  • Cycle Time Analysis


  • Multivendor SMT equipment


  • More dashboards
  • More variety


  • Unlimited


  • 10, 20, 50 or 100 machines
Coming soon



Use Cases

  • Rate Efficiency Analysis
  • Reject Analysis
  • Recipe Time Analysis
  • Error Analysis

Enhancements for e.g.

  • Rate Efficiency Analysis
  • Reject Analysis

New Use Cases e.g.

  • Recipe Changeover
  • Cycle Time Analysis


  • Multivendor SMT equipment


  • More dashboards
  • More variety


  • Unlimited


  • Unlimited

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As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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