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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Our partnership during the global COVID-19 pandemic


Update on ASMPT’s activities in this situation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a huge challenge for everyone. As a global company, we at ASMPT wish to do our part to aid in mitigating the current crisis and prevent further spreading of the disease.

The safety of our employees and partners is of utmost importance. At the same time, we clearly understand our duty and do our best to stand by our commitment to support our global customer base, especially in these difficult times. We have implemented strict global safety and business continuity programs.

Depending on the local and regional situations, we have managed to re-open several of our SMT Centers of Competence and Training Facilities for you again. And in addition to offering remote demos and applications, we have developed special support programs.
Our Time4Customers initiatives have been designed with the special requirements of many different types of electronics manufacturers in mind.

  • Time4Academy is our free online access to the ASMPT Academy
  • Time4Remote offers free operating licenses for Remote Smart Factory
  • Time4Upgrade helps you to perform software updates on your ASM equipment
  • Time4ExpertTraining offers free access to exclusive expert live training webinars
  • Time4SetupOptimization means that our experts are analyzing your setup strategies
  • Time4DataMaintenance checks for potential improvements in your component library
  • Time4PrintProcessByDesign uses our DFM HealthCheck to determine optimized process and printing parameters based on a simulation of your stencil design
  • Time4RemoteLiveDemos presents the full spectrum of SMT solutions with presentations and demonstrations, process support, application support and expert consultation. All you need is a PC and internet access.
  • Time4NozzleOptimization: Process improvements with special pick-up nozzle designs

If you think that one or more of our initiatives may be right for you at this time, learn more here and get in touch!

Also, our ASMPT teams in logistics and production are happy to support you. With our global setup and our lead factories in Munich (Germany), Weymouth (UK) and Singapore, which are all running according to plan, we currently are in a good position to provide machines, parts, and lines on schedule. Our purchasing department is in close contact with all our suppliers and constantly monitors parts availability and supply chain developments.

We have been able to relax the strict domestic travel bans for our employees and are happy to also support you on-site while still maintaining strict safety measures. Overseas travel is still limited to exceptional emergency cases.

The SMT Solutions Team of ASMPT is highly committed to doing its part to alleviate the situation. This too shall pass. Until this time, our most sincere wishes for health and safety go out to the global ASM family, our partners, valued customers, and anyone affected.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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