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SMT topics in focus

Supporting electronics manufacturers with their digital transformation


Waldemar Christen named VP CRM of ASM SMT Solutions

As the new Vice President CRM, Waldemar Christen will head the global customer relationship management operations of the SMT Solutions Segment of ASM Pacific Technology, the world's largest equipment manufacturer for the electronics industry. Waldemar Christen has already led the company's global service operations since 2015 and will now add global sales and global marketing to his duties. Armed with a degree in mechanical engineering with a focus on precision mechanics, Christen began his career in the R&D department of Siemens, where he occupied several positions in sales and as Head of Product Management Europe until 2007. After working in several management positions at electronics manufacturer BMK, Germany, he joined ASM in 2015.

“We are already the premier address for everything related to the integrated smart factory, and our portfolio of hardware and software solutions up to comprehensive factory solutions keeps growing continuously. At the same time, our customers’ requirements are becoming more and more specific. Remote technologies as well as new models such as rental licenses, cloud software or contracts based on performance promises in terms of quality or yield make new and increasingly complex demands on the CRM organization. In short: I look forward to this new challenge because I know the quality of the SMT Solutions Team of ASMPT,” said Waldemar Christen during his introduction as the company's new VP CRM.

The Technology leader pools its marketing, sales and service operations, which include all global teams with direct customer contacts, under the Vice President CRM to ensure the best possible support for its customers. ”ASM is the supplier of choice for customers who want to advance in terms of automation and the digital transformation. It is our responsibility to support them in implementing their Smart Integrated SMT Factories” is how Christen describes his new duties. He takes over from Josef Ernst, who has been named the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of ASMPT SMT Solutions.

“We support all electronics manufacturers to build integrated smart factories and help them to secure their futures through digital transformation endeavors. To provide them with the best possible advice and support, we must continuously modernize our global CRM organization, make it interact more effectively via new tools and processes, and help it to become more agile. With his practical service experience, his total customer orientation and his energy, Waldemar Christen will drive this transformation forward and help us to expand our leading marketing position,” said Günter Lauber, CEO of ASM SMT Solutions.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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