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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASM Participated in Nepcon Asia 2020


Solutions for the Integrated Smart Factory

Technology leader ASM showcased its 2020 innovations and broad portfolio of hardware and software solutions at this year’s Nepcon Asia trade fair in Shenzhen, China (August 26th to August 28th).

Despite the challenging situation, ASM once again participated in Nepcon Asia in Shenzhen, China this year.

Highlights at the ASM booth, the new volume printer DEK TQ, the world’s first self-learning inline expert system for autonomous process optimization ASM ProcessExpert as well as the modular software package ASM Works, the software infrastructure for the integrated smart SMT factory were displayed. Live shows were also presented, and ASM showcased advanced packaging solutions as well as the advantages of automated, AIV-supported material logistics. The demonstrations on SMT lines were supplemented with modern presentation techniques such as AR.

ASM also offers Critical Manufacturing MES solution, the only MES solution that is tailor-made for the requirements of smart factories in the manufacturing industry. Thus, ASM together with Critical Manufacturing could accelerate the development of the portfolio of Industry 4.0 solutions tremendously. Also at the booth was Chinese MES specialist SKT, one of the companies that ASM had invested in. This will bring us another step forward in our efforts to delivering the best solutions for the smart factory.

In summary, customers at our Nepcon booth were able to see, experience and “feel” innovations and the benefits that can suit and transform any production factory to a truly Integrated Smart Factory.

Direct conversations and active discussions, of our ASM Experts with customers happened at the booth. We are gratified with the attendance and the response of the customers. We are confident that the things and situation are turning better and brighter soon.

For more information, please contact us at

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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