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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASMPT at Productronica India 2022


ASMPT paves the way to the Integrated Smart Factory

Singapore, Sep 21, 2022 – Technology leader ASMPT will present at this year’s Productronica India trade fair (Greater Noida, Delhi, September 21–23, Booth PE11/Hall 15) a broad spectrum of hardware and software solutions for the Integrated Smart Factory. The focus will be on gradual and economically feasible automation with ASMPT's open and modular Open Automation concept, demonstrated on a real production line featuring the latest ASMPT equipment.

“Personal income and consumption doubled in India between 20xx and 2021 as the country became one of the world’s largest markets for consumer electronics,” explains Mr Neeraj Bhardwaj, Head of Equipment Sales at ASMPT India. “Comprehensive Industry 4.0 approaches and smart factory solutions have become indispensable for electronics manufacturers if they want to survive against their competitors. At our booth, users will learn how they can future-proof their production with our integrated Open Automation concept and our smart hardware and software solutions. We also want to use our presence at the Productronica India 2022 show to underscore our claim to be the leading supplier for the entire Indian market from sales to service and support with head servicing, repair centers and training centers.”

Industry-leading automation concept
ASMPT’s open, flexible and non-proprietary Open Automation concept gives users the freedom they need to determine how much of their production they want to automate and how quickly. It is an alternative to rigid, inflexible, expensive, and usually highly proprietary zero-operator strategies. Open Automation utilizes a modular and seamless M2M communication using open standards between third-party solutions and existing systems. The result is a smart SMT factory with just the right amount of automation and a maximized return on investment.

Wide-ranging program at the booth
Since smart software solutions are indispensable for implementing the Integrated Smart Factory, ASMPT is a leader in this field just as much as it is in SMT hardware for printing, inspection, placement, and material logistics. Accordingly, the booth will feature solutions for production monitoring, virtual production, process optimization, and Service 4.0. In addition, ASMPT's subsidiary Critical Manufacturing will present its Critical Manufacturing MES solution, which was specially designed to meet the needs of the SMT industry.
With its Open Automation line, ASMPT will demonstrate how all components of a target-oriented and economically feasible automation project can play together and what efficiency and productivity improvements a user can achieve with the Open Automation concept. The line consists of the latest generations of the DEK TQ printing solution, the Process Lens SPI system, and the SIPLACE SX and SIPLACE TX placement solutions in dual-track versions. With the help of practical applications, visitors will learn how much automation is already possible and economically feasible today – up to autonomous printing process control and optimization with the world’s first self-learning expert SPI system consisting of the company's Process Lens and the smart WORKS Process Expert software solution.

More information about the Productronica India 2022 is available at

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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