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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Contactless Production with Remote Smart Factory for production line support


Smart and secure remote support for ASM equipment in times where minimal human contact is important

The manufacturing industry is in the midst of a global transformation towards broad-based digitization, and this has been accelerated with the current pandemic situation. Remote support is now a key concept for production floor support and ASM is proud to assure customers that we have always focused on remote support concepts with the highest security and control. Learn how ASM can help you improve your production line uptime with our new ASM Remote Smart Factory (RSF) solution.

Remote support tool is not a new concept. However, it was only with the current pandemic times, that the urgency and mandatory implementation of remote tools become so critical.

ASM has always been at the forefront of promoting contactless production or some customers classify as Lights-out production. However, within a manufacturing environment, opening up customer production floor to a third-party connection becomes more challenging as the top concerns on the customers’ minds are data security and the threat of hackers infiltrating their production floor.

With data security as top priority, ASM developed the Remote Smart Factory (RSF) using the most secure method in the leading technology of cyber security to access our equipment and software. ASM RSF is employed as a supporting communication tool within the existing ASM Service Hotline process to improve reaction time, service quality and to save costs and reduce traveling effort.

The ASM RSF allows a secure high-speed connection to the customer equipment for the experts from within the customer facility or from ASM.

As online access is always initiated from the customer end through a Service Request in the installed ASM RSF software, this means that ASM would not be able to access customer equipment or software without proper authorization.

In addition, ASM Service Support only has access to preconfigured ASM equipment. Access to other locations in the customer network is not possible and the ASM customer has full control during Virtual Networking Computing (VNC) sessions.

Finally, to further alleviate customer concerns on data security, the ASM RSF is TÜV-IT security certified.

Benefits of ASM Remote Smart Factory Solution

  • Enables state-of-the-art Vendor-Customer Communication for stable communication
  • Takes highest data security aspects into account, less worry for hackers and data-leak
  • Adds capabilities and eliminates risks compared to existing procedures and Software-Tools like e.g.Teamviewer – user-friendly
  • Improving overall equipment effectiveness by reducing reaction time, faster failure analysis and shorter fixing times
  • Reduction of cost of ownership through less service hours and minimization of on-site service charges.

You can watch a video on ASM RSF here.

Alternatively, if you’re keen to know more, please do not hesitate to reach out to our ASM Sales Experts, or contact us:

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As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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