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SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X

Electrical verification of components prior to their placement

Electronics manufacturers in the automotive industry must comply with particularly high quality standards. Setup verification and vision systems on the SMT line ensure that the right reels get set up and the components visually match their description. But what happens if the components’ electric properties are incorrect?

Typical causes of faulty placements include incorrectly marked component reels or reels that were installed or spliced on the wrong feeder. Reels that were loaded with components from different batches or from different suppliers as a result of supply chain problems can also lead to errors. And even visually perfect components can have the wrong electrical properties or even be counterfeits. The SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X provides effective protection against faulty placement.

At a glance

  • On-demand CRDL measurement and/or validation of resistance, capacity, polarity or inductivity of components
  • Automatic triggering of measurement cycles by setup changeovers of splice events
  • Minimum space consumption
  • Data communication via standard feeder interface
  • Programming of all measurement parameters and tolerances in SIPLACE Pro
  • Auto-calibration
  • Certified recalibration available via SIPLACE Service
  • Increase of process reliability

A quick solution that’s easily added

Since electric verification systems for placement machines must be quick and easy to add to the line, the SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X from ASMPT fits into a standard 8-mm Smart Feeder housing. With the help of special nozzles on the placement head, components are placed onto a gold-plated contact surface at the top of the feeder so that their electrical properties can be verified. The contact location varies automatically so that the components being measured do not always touch the same spot, which extends the contact surface's life. The device is capable of measuring components with dimensions ranging from 0.6 mm × 0.3 mm to 6.0 mm × 3.2 mm.

We support our customers on their journey to the intelligent factory. The SIPLACE Measuring Feeder X is a good example of this. We have designed our entire product range in such a way that users can add more automation steps at any time. This allows them to proceed step by step, and they can decide at all times which products they want to deploy. The goal is not to have a ‘lights-out factory’, but an individually adapted production system that operates with maximum effectiveness.
Michael Schimpf, Technology Scout & Product Manager at ASMPT

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