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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASM Customer Seminar in conjunction with Nepcon Vietnam 2019


ASM Seminar in Vietnam

Get updated on ASM Smart Factory solutions that will optimize your manufacturing efficiency.

ASM will be holding our customer seminar in Vietnam in conjunction with Nepcon Vietnam 2019 show. Get the latest updates on ASM Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 concepts and be further optimized with our Smart Factory solutions. Find out how partnering with ASM can improve quality and efficiency in your electronic production lines with an assessment of your current production processes.

  • Date: 12 Sep 2019
  • Time: 9:00am – 2:00pm (Lunch will be provided)
  • Location: Movenpick Hotel Hanoi (83A Lý Thường Kiệt, Cửa Nam, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội, Vietnam)

If you are interested to join us or find out more information of this seminar, please contact us at

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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