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SMT topics in focus

SIPLACE SX: The New Generation


The most flexible placement platform to meet the needs for a high-mix production anytime

The third generation of the SIPLACE SX is now faster, more accurate and more flexible. It is smart, open, and also learns quickly, and adapts to any challenge. Because of its flexibility and adaptability, the SIPLACE SX is a resilient platform to have. It is capable to ride beside you to meet the demands for a high-mix production whenever the need arises in the long run in whatever challenges there may be.

Since the launch of the SIPLACE SX platform, we have released the latest generation of this flexible and capable placement machine.

The SIPLACE SX adapts to your NEEDS!

It boasts the following features:


Huge component spectrum that is covered by three improved placement heads: SIPLACE SpeedStar, SIPLACE MultiStar, and SIPLACE TwinStar.

It also offers many feeder and conveyor options while even odd-shaped components

can be supplied with exceptional reliability.

Smaller boards with sizes of up to 450 mm by 275 mm can be moved with the efficient dual conveyor, and you can even process boards that are up to 1,525 mm by 560 mm.

OSC Package

Where others give up, the SIPLACE SX pushes the envelope with its OSC Package.

The enhanced component diversity minimizes manual labor, and the machine’s integrated process controls maximize your yield.

Compatible with Third-Party Feeder

Open interfaces permit the use of a wide range of feeders – including those from third-party suppliers.

3D images

The SIPLACE SX generates 3D images by combining two images of the high-resolution component camera. It detects even damaged THT pin tops reliably. It also performs targeted on-board checks of highly critical areas for correct solder pads, missing components under shields, and correct positioning

Snap-in detection

The SIPLACE SX detects incorrectly placed THT components by checking height differences during the placement process.

Placement force

The SIPLACE SX features total placement force control from 0.5 N to 100 N, from the placement of sensitive LEDs to that of robust connectors.


No unnecessary slow-downs: The SIPLACE SX further improves your productivity by automatically determining the best travel speeds for OSCs.

With these features, it optimizes your manufacturing processes and increases your manufacturing efficiency. It also reduces the manpower interventions so engineers can attend to other matters without interruptions.

They are flexible and adaptable that you are ready for any new or changes to your manufacturing requirements that you will undertake in the long run.

Alternatively, you may refer to the SIPLACE SX brochure.

For more information about the SIPLACE SX, you can reach us at

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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