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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

ASMPT Integrated management system

As the industry’s technology leader, we strive to operate in a way that’s forward-looking and sustainable. Our integrated management system ensures that we do. The effectiveness of our quality, environmental and energy management systems as well as of our occupational safety and health protection systems is regularly checked and certified by external, globally recognized institutions.

You can rest assured that with ASMPT you will always have a dependable partner by your side.

On the move to the Smart #1 Factory Video

ASMPT Quality Management

ASMPT's quality management system puts you a step ahead of the competition. Our guiding principles:

  • Our quality strategy is based on continuous process and product improvements.
  • Our improvement processes are based on key performance indicators.
  • Permanent employee training is part of our quality management approach, because all employees are responsible for our improvement processes.

Corresponding ISO certifications confirm the effectiveness of our quality management – see for yourself!

ISO 9001 (Munich)
ISO 9001 (Singapore)
ISO 9001 (Weymouth)

Environmental management

As a technology leader, we make the future sustainable and take responsibility for the environment. Our guiding principle:

  • We continuously advance our processes and products to protect natural resources.
  • We strengthen the environmental awareness of our employees, customers and partners through special initiatives.
  • We promote an environmentally oriented communication policy that stresses an open exchange of all relevant environmental questions.
  • We practice active risk management.

Corresponding ISO certifications confirm the effectiveness of our environmental management – see for yourself!

ISO 14001 (Munich)

ISO 14001 (Weymouth)

ISO 14001 (Singapore)

Environmental policy of ASMPT SMT

ASMPT Energy Management

Having a systematic and sustainable energy management approach is part of ASMPT’s corporate philosophy. Our guiding principle:

  • It is one of our core principles to assign a high degree of importance to saving energy and making us more energy-efficient in everything we do. To make continuous improvements, we increasingly employ highly efficient technologies.
  • To make our improvements tangible, we set both long-term and short-term goals and regularly monitor their achievement.
  • Compliance with energy-relevant laws and directives is a given.
  • Our employees contribute their own ideas, initiatives and innovations to make us even more energy-efficient.

Corresponding ISO certifications confirm the effectiveness of our energy management – see for yourself!

ISO 50001 (Munich)

Energy policy of ASMPT

ASMPT Occupational Management

Our success is based on highly motivated, competent employees, whom we protect with comprehensive occupational safety and health systems. Our guiding principle:

  • Our occupational safety and health management aims to avoid hazards and minimize risks. We take all necessary precautions to prevent accidents, injuries, and occupation health problems.
  • Our executives raise the safety awareness of our employees by offering continuous information and training. Each employee is encouraged to play an active role in this effort.
  • We make our knowledge and experience in the areas of occupational safety and health protection available to interested parties based on operational requirements.

Corresponding ISO certifications confirm the effectiveness of our occupational safety and health management systems – see for yourself!

ISO 45001 (Munich)

ISO 45001 (Weymouth)

ISO 45001 (Singapore)

Work safety policy of ASMPT

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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