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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Embedded laser sensor for component inspection


Did you know ... that an integrated laser sensor can detect components on the nozzle?

Are you all here? This question is asked before, during and after the placement process on the SMT line. Despite reliable and highly efficient technology, it can happen that a component is not present – for example, because the tape has an empty pocket or the component falls off the nozzle. The machine must be able to detect these situations immediately, otherwise there is a risk of costly scrap.

Integrated into the placement head on SIPLACE machines, the component sensor is a safe bet. It uses a laser beam to measure whether the component is in the right place:

•    before pick-up
•    after pick-up
•    before placement
•    after placement

With this feature, the machine immediately detects if a component is not where it should be – before problems occur.

Further than that, component height can be measured by the Component-Sensor, which is the key factor for compensating the PCB warpage and controlling the placement force.


Your benefits:

  • Instant detection of missing components
  • Consistently high placement quality
  • Avoidance of further processing of incompletely assembled PCBs

The integrated component sensor is a crucial quality assurance element that ensures a consistently high level of placement results.


With the component sensor, you can keep your yield high, even with variant component quality. 

… good to know!

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