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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Self-learning component high and PCB warpage


Did you know ... that component height differences and PCB warpage can be automatically compensated for during assembly?

With SMD components, there are always small deviations in height and the PCBs to be assembled are not always perfectly flat. These variables must be determined and taken into account during placement in order to ensure consistent placement quality at all times.

Our SIPLACE placement machines determine the component height and PCB warpage during the ongoing placement process: 

•    via component laser sensors and segment light barriers
•    via the measured placement height

The determined PCB profile is saved for ongoing production and thus compensates the offset for the next placement process.

The automatic detection of component height and PCB warpage compensates for quality fluctuations without manual intervention.


Your benefits:

  • Consistent placement quality, even with PCB warpage.
  • Adjusted placement force that does not damage the components
  • PCB measurement during the placement process
  • No loss of performance due to seperate measurement

Automatic compensation: SIPLACE placement machines deliver optimum placement quality for every PCB.


The automatic detection of placement height and PCB warpage has no negative impact on throughput.

… good to know!

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