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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Precise like an eagle eye


Did you know ... that high-end pick-and-place machines take a very close look at every single component?

Despite strict quality control at the manufacturers, damaged components are delivered time and again. But even if the housing is in order, it does not always end up in the optimum position on the pipette, even with high-precision placement machines. These factors repeatedly lead to unnecessary rejects.

This can be avoided with the SIPLACE Vision System, which captures a separate image of each individual component:

•    High-resolution cameras on the placement head combined with individual exposure settings ensure that each component is optimally illuminated and shown in high contrast.
•    Each component is individually checked for its correct geometry and position on the nozzle.
•    Faulty components are automatically ejected. The angular offset of the component on the nozzle is automatically compensated by rotary drives during placement.

Despite the enormous inspection effort, the work of the SIPLACE Vision System does not result in any loss of performance. This is ensured by an GigE interface, optimized for fast processing of component images, as well as the very powerful image processing software, which is integrated into the SIPLACE Station software.


Your benefits:

  • Damaged components are reliably detected and rejected before assembly. This eliminates expensive rejects.
  • This means that an optimum yield can always be achieved, even with very densely assembled PCBs.

One image for each component: this individual inspection is the only way to achieve optimum quality at all times, even with complex PCBs.


By handling each component as an individual, the SIPLACE Vision System achieves maximum quality, precision and reliability in the placement process.

… good to know!

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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