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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Automatic pitch detection for 8 mm feeders


Did you know ... that software can automatically detect the right component pitch for 8 mm feeders?

One and the same component is supplied at different distances on the tape, depending on the manufacturer or lot. The variation of the pitch cause problems with component pick-up if it is not taken into account in the machine settings.

The station software for our SIPLACE placement machines determines the pitch values for 8 mm feeders automatically. The machine software proceeds systematically:

•    Index is set to smallest possible pitch
•    First component is picked
•    If successful, the pitch is retained
•    If not successful, the pitch is gradually increased until the appropriate value is found

Once automatic pitch detection has been activated in WORKS Programming, the machine adapts fully automatically to the respective component pitch, even when changing tapes.


Your Benefits:

  • Automatic pickup reliability improvement
  • Avoidance of component discards and waste
  • Relieve operators from manual adjustment

Step by step to the right pitch: SIPLACE pick and place machines adapt fully automatically to different tape placements.


Automatic pitch detection is an important contribution to the component flexibility of the SIPLACE platform.

… good to know!

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