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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Automatic Smart Pin Support for placement machines


Did you know ... that you can also set support pins fully automatically?

PCBs must be supported during assembly to prevent deflection or vibration.
or vibrations. Placing the support pins is still often done by hand - a time-consuming and error-prone process that has to be carried out directly on the machine. Unnecessary production interruptions and rejects due to incorrectly placed pins, contamination and component collisions are often the results.

The SIPLACE Smart Pin Support, which can be easily retrofitted to the placement head of placement machines in the SIPLACE series, makes things quicker and safer. It offers the following features, among others:

•    Support pin gripper: places the PINs fully automatically at positions previously defined in WORKS Programming using specially developed software.
•    All pins are continuously checked for their correct position and height.
•    3D visualization and automatic collision detection during programming: enables early detection and avoidance of collisions with sensitive components.
•    Cleaning of the placement area: removes impurities with a light blast of air through the pin before placement.

After placement, the system uses the PCB camera to check the pins for correct position and height. This is done at regular intervals, even during ongoing production. When the program is changed, the pins are automatically repositioned in a time-optimized manner.


Your benefit in a practical example:

  • The system improves your efficiency by reducing the time spent on product changeovers by roughly 20 minutes

This means that SIPLACE Smart Pin Support usually pays for itself after just two months, depending on the production profile. And this does not even include savings from avoided rejects.


With SIPLACE Smart Pin Support, you can relieve the pressure on skilled workers, reduce set-up times and eliminate another common source of errors in electronics production.

Your benefits in the video:

… good to know!

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