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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Innovative blister waste management


Did you know…that you can save up to 205 working hours per year through automated waste management in SMT manufacturing?

Little attention is usually paid to waste disposal on an SMT line – and wrongly so, because intelligent automation reduces working time and line downtime costs.

SMT manufacturing generates large amounts of waste, such as empty component tapes. Manual disposal of this waste leads to avoidable production downtime and unnecessary strain on scarce skilled workforce.

ASMPT’s Automatic Waste Disposal System (AWDS) saves a lot of time and effort. It is simply installed under the SIPLACE placement machines and collects the waste from the entire SMT line in one container. Ideally, the same AMR that carries out the automatic set-up changeover on the line can then also take care of waste disposal. The seamless interaction between ASMPT equipment and third-party AMR fleets is made possible by the modular, flexible and vendor-independent automation concept in the Intelligent Factory.


Your benefits in a practical example:

  • SMT line with 5 SIPLACE SX placement machines
  • 8 hours per shift
  • 3 shifts per day
  • 5 days per week
  • 50 weeks per year

750 shifts per year

  • 20 minutes of line downtime per shift for tape waste removal

Up to 250 hours of manpower to remove, empty and replace waste containers on each machine.


An AWDS takes care of waste removal during manufacturing, saving all this manual work and downtime costs. It also reduces the dust load on high-precision manufacturing equipment.

Watch the AWDS in action:

Open Automation | Automatic Waste Disposal System with Lowpad Exchange (

… good to know!

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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