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SMT topics in focus

Elektronik Praxis: Automatic program change in the intelligent factory


This article was published by Elektronik Praxis on March 26, 2024.

On SMT production lines with ASMPT hardware and software, program changes can now be carried out fully automatically – even without a barcode reader – by passing the data of the respective PCB from machine to machine via a standardized interface. -Please scroll down for full article-

The IPC-HERMES-9852 industry standard makes it possible to electronically transmit PCB data from machine to machine. Based on this capability, DEK TQ solder paste printers, Process Lens SPI systems and SIPLACE placement machines from ASMPT can automatically load the respective production program as needed. It is no longer necessary to read a barcode on each machine. The open, standardized interface also makes it possible for each conveyor system to automatically adapt to the respective width of the PCBs, regardless of the manufacturer.

PCB data is automatically checked

Already at the start of the line, as PCBs are unloaded from a magazine, their data is transmitted to the solder paste printer, either via a barcode reader or via IPC-HERMES-9852. The system uses this data to select the production program to be executed. If a batch change is required, the new production program is downloaded automatically. If any retooling is required, WORKS Operations, the application that controls the human operators on the lines, calls a qualified specialist.

SPI systems and placement machines also change automatically

Once printed, the PCB is passed along to the Process Lens along with its IPC-HERMES-9852 data. The SPI system checks the board data and changes the program, if necessary. Then it’s the turn of the placement machines, which, like the solder paste printer, check the PCB data, automatically change the program if necessary, and call an operator via WORKS Operations.

Standardized interfaces instead of barcode readers

“Previously, PCB data could not be passed from machine to machine. Instead, each machine had to query this data individually from a higher-level system after reading the barcode,” explains Volker Sindel, Senior Product Manager at ASMPT. “Now, the data can be passed on much more elegantly via the IPC-HERMES-9852 interface, which eliminates the need for a barcode reader on each machine. Thanks to the standardized interface, automatic program changes can also be supported by third-party systems, making it possible to implement them along the entire SMT line in the intelligent factory.”

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