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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Brazil Technology Days


OEE in the Intelligent Factory

On July 23 and 25, customers and other interested parties in São Paulo and Manaus were able to get valuable information on new perspectives in SMT manufacturing with a special focus on maximum overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in modern, intelligent electronics factories.

“The lineup of lectures showed me how I can maximize my equipment’s overall effectiveness, with ASMPT’s concept of the integrated intelligent factory playing a critical role,” said a satisfied attendee. “Today I could experience first-hand what this looks like in practice. It is always amazing to see how much additional yield you can achieve by making a few smart investment decisions.”

Availability, performance, quality

“The concept of overall equipment effectiveness is defined by three key points: availability, performance, and quality,” explains Cesar Takamine, Country Manager Brazil for ASMPT. “To optimize your OEE you must take all three into account in equal measure and view each project holistically. Hardware and software must interact seamlessly in modern SMT production. In practice, the actual OEE optimization is carried out through a bundle of individual measures that must be coordinated down to the last detail, which is why the overarching principle of the Intelligent Factory is so important. We once again addressed this in detail during the Brazil Technology Days and did so on all levels.”

One major component that was presented was the MES (manufacturing execution system) from the ASMPT subsidiary Critical Manufacturing, which was developed especially for electronics production and raises OEE on the factory and enterprise levels. Individual steps along the SMT line, such as the challenging solder paste printing process, were also addressed. Using the highly precise and process-stable DEK TQ printing platform as an example, the presenters showed how typical printing problems can be isolated and resolved step by step with intelligent hardware and software. Also presented was the highly flexible SIPLACE SX placement machine that improves availability and performance, especially in modern high-mix/low-volume production environments. The automobile industry, for example, requires mixed boards that must be populated with very small and very large components, for which the SIPLACE SX achieves by far the greatest OEE.

“OEE optimization is always the result of a strategy that extends from the machine to the enterprise level. At ASMPT, we cover almost the entire SMT production chain with our product portfolio. And our integrative intelligent factory concept makes us the ideal partner when it comes to getting the most out of your production equipment.” sums up Cesar Takamine.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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