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SMT topics in focus

Factory Equipment Center from ASMPT for intelligent SMT production


Connected asset and maintenance management redefined

Operating with maximum efficiency is crucial when it comes to competitiveness and profitability in modern SMT manufacturing. Factory Equipment Center from ASMPT offers a unique approach to asset and maintenance management in the Intelligent Factory by automating and optimizing the administration, maintenance and repairs of thousands of movable assets such as placement headers, feeders, and nozzles.

In the modern electronics factory, all components must work together seamlessly because even a single defective feeder can bring an entire SMT line to a screeching halt. Reconciling the continuous availability of all movable assets with day-to-day production requirements is no easy task. Questions about the location of feeders, the use of nozzles or the maintenance status of placement heads must be answered all day long. But with the thousands of mobile assets, many of which frequently change their location on the shop floor, it was difficult if not impossible to keep track of everything – until now.

Connectivity provides clarity

The Factory Equipment Center software redefines asset management and makes it possible to fully network all assets being used. It does not just track assets but uses the data integratively to provide maximum connectivity in line with ASMPT’s Intelligent Factory concept. After installation, the software automatically scans all SMT lines and takes a digital inventory of the machines, placement heads, feeders and nozzles, all of which have their own IDs. This type of fully automatic detection is currently unrivaled on the market. It also saves a lot of time and money, considering that the average factory has between 10,000 and 15,000 feeders in use. “Only third-party systems must still be entered manually,” says Jim Leather, Director IoT Solutions at ASMPT SMT Solutions.

Factory Equipment Center automatically collects and updates the asset data, analyzes it, and visualizes it in clear tables and graphs on real-time dashboards that show the location, condition, configuration and maintenance history of each asset. Precise logging allows for the creation of detailed performance and maintenance reports that can be used for internal analyses as well as for external audits. In addition, comprehensive tracking enables the kind of proactive maintenance that is no longer carried out according to rigid schedules but based on actual use and wear.

Efficient and dynamic maintenance management

Through dynamic order tracking, the software makes it possible to flexibly coordinate the maintenance planning with the actual use of assets. It automatically marks maintenance jobs as complete as soon as they are executed and enters the next inspection date accordingly. A central maintenance calendar makes it easier to coordinate activities, avoids scheduling conflicts, and ensures that all parties are notified of any upcoming maintenance work. Automatic monitoring and reporting deliver maximum transparency and lock faulty assets, thus minimizing downtimes and increasing the reliability of production operations.

Digital workflows and modern software

Modern digital processes support the maintenance staff with clear real-time dashboards, multimedia displays and checklists that show clearly structured work steps and reduce errors. With the web-based user interfaces, all software functions can be conveniently controlled from any device that is capable of running a browser. Factory Equipment Center is offered via a modern subscription license that makes its operating costs scalable and predictable. It also includes all Remote Smart Factory functions so that settings and updates can be executed centrally and efficiently.


With its Factory Equipment Center, ASMPT offers a sophisticated solution for optimizing the management and maintenance of SMT production assets. By combining real-time tracking, automated maintenance planning and extensive reporting tools, the software helps electronics factories to maximize their operating efficiency, lower their costs, and improve their competitiveness. It integrates seamlessly into existing production environments and provides a solid database for modern maintenance management.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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