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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Job Application via homepage and/or e-mail

In addition to our general privacy statement, which you can access at this link, you will find here, especially for the topic job applications via our homepage or via e-mail, further information on data protection.

If definitions from the general privacy policy should be specified or regulated differently here, the information contained in these topic-related privacy statement is given priority.

Section 1 For which purpose and on which legal basis do we process personal related
We process personally identifiable information about you for the purpose of your job application for employment, to the extent necessary for the decision to establish employment with us. The legal basis is Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 (1) sent. 1 BDSG (German Federal Data Protection Act).

Furthermore, we may process personal data about you, as far as this is required to defend against asserted legal claims from the application process against us or if it is required to improve our application process. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1, letter f GDPR; the legitimate interest lies, for example, in securing evidence in the case of a burden of proof in a procedure under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) or using your e-mail address to send you an invitation to a voluntary survey of your experience with ASM as an employer brand and in the application process..

If there is an employment relationship between you and us, in accordance with Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with § 26 Abs. 1 BDSG further process the personal data already obtained by you for employment purposes if this is necessary for the establishment, implementation or termination of the employment relationship or for the exercise or fulfillment of a law or collective agreement, employment or service agreement (Collective Agreement) and the rights and obligations of representing the interests of the employees.

In order to enable your data to be taken into account outside a current job advertisement or your specific application, we also offer you to consider your application for other vacancies in the ASMPT SMT Solution segment. In this way, we would like to fill vacancies in the ASMPT SMT Solution segment as efficiently and promptly as possible, and offer you the opportunity that your application can be considered as optimally as possible. The legal basis for such disclosure is your consent in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter a GDPR, which you declare by clicking on the corresponding checkbox in the context of the applicant pages. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future, as described under § 4. Unless you consent to a transfer, you will not incur any disadvantages. However, your application will not be considered for other positions in the ASMPT SMT Solution segment in this case.

In addition, use your e-mail address to improve our application process and to analyze the employer brand. In these cases, after completing your application process, you will receive an invitation to participate voluntarily in a survey at your email address. The legal basis for participation in the survey is therefore your consent under Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. The evaluation of your answers is anonymous. It is therefore not possible for us to draw conclusions from the answers to a specific person.

Section 2 Which categories of personal data do we process
We process data related to your application. This may include general personal information (such as name, address and contact details), details of your qualifications and education, or CVET information, or other information that you provide to us in connection with your application.

Incidentally, we can process your publicly available job-related information, such as a profile in professional social media networks.

Section 3 How long do we store your data
We store your personal information as long as this is necessary for the decision on your job application. Insofar as an employment relationship between you and us does not materialize, we may also continue to store data as required to defend against possible legal claims. The application documents will be deleted two months after notification of the rejection decision, unless a longer storage due to litigation is required.

Section 4 No obligation to provide
You are neither contractually nor legally required to provide us with your personal information. The provision of the personal data in the context of an job application with us is necessary for the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship with you. Failure to provide this information may result in us not being able to make a (positive) decision about your attitude.

Data protection consent

You can revoke this data protection consent declaration at any time via the e-mail address stated under § 12.

I have read the " Job Application via homepage and/or e-mail" data protection information.

I agree that my application will also be passed on to other companies in the ASMPT SMT Solutions Segment, so that it can also be considered for other suitable jobs and application procedures in the ASMPT SMT Solutions Segment.

Further details can be found in the privacy policy.

Country specific additions to the processing of personal data:

1. Different retention periods for positions within other countries:

Twenty-four (24) months:Finland, France, Sweden

Thirty-six (36) months: Austria, Brazil, China, Norway, UK, United States

2. Specific national laws and/or regulations:


Ad Pt 1 II: According to the Austrian data protections law your data is stored in an "Informationsverbundsystem". In case of your agreement to article 1 II the following Austrian subsidiaries will have access to your personal data: --- Ad Pt 1 III: In case of your agreement to a worldwide transmission, your data will be forwarded only to other companies of the ASMPT SMT Solution Segment or based on legal requirements.


By consenting to provide SMT with your personal information, you hereby allow SMT to collect, use or disclose that information by fair or lawful means, and for the purposes stated in this Declaration, or for such purposes that are reasonable. Your consent to provide SMT with your personal information, and SMT' use of that information, is made pursuant to the provisions of the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, S.C. 2000, c. 5 (PIPEDA) and any regulations under PIPEDA, as well as any other applicable federal or provincial statute, regulation or policy.

You have the right to view your personal data upon request, free of charge, subject only to any legal exceptions under PIPEDA or any other applicable statute or regulation.


With respect to the processing of your personal information, you are aware that:
a) Your personal information will not be used beyond the purpose of recruiting process.
b) You may freely give or withhold the consent;
c) You may withdraw the consent given at any time with effect for the future by giving written notice thereof by deleting your account or changing relevant data in your account.
d) We should not take any disadvantageous treatment on the grounds of your denial or withdrawal of consent, however, such denial or withdrawal might make it impossible or inadmissible for us to provide certain services or to grant certain benefits, as the case may be; and
e) notwithstanding your withdrawal of consent the processing of your personal information may still be admissible to the extent this is required or allowed by applicable legal provisions.

The items of personal information to be collected by us and the purposes of the collection and use of such personal information are as follows:
Name, date of birth, gender, citizenship, home address, phone number, e-mail address, educational background, employment information, language skill, disability, veteran's family, military service, certifications/licenses for the purpose of identification of the candidate or contacting the candidate. By giving your consent to the terms as described in this information about the recruiting process, you also declare that you understand and give your consent voluntarily
i. to the matters set out herein regarding the entrustment of your personal information to third parties; and
ii. that this might include entrustment of personal information to countries that do not offer a level of personal information protection adequate to the level provided for in the Republic of Korea. .

For personal information, you can contact Data Protection Officer as following: Data Protection officer :

Office address : ASM Assembly Systems Singapore Pte Ltd. Korea Branch 201, Korea Design Center 322, Yanghyeon-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do 463-954, Korea


Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. Subject to the exceptions and restrictions as may be contained under the applicable law, you have the right to access, correct or limit the processing of your personal data by submitting such request to:

Any inquiries or complaints should also be channeled to us in this manner. In the event that you have to provide us with personal data relating to third parties such as your spouse and children, you confirm that you have obtained their consent or otherwise you are entitled to provide their personal data to us and for us to process accordingly. Please note that it will be necessary for us to process your personal data for the purpose(s) described herein, without which we will not be able to process your job application(s).

Singapore: [Regulation: Personal Data Protection Act 2012]

For the purpose of assessing and determining my suitability, eligibility and/or qualifications for employment and managing my employment relationship with ASM Assembly Systems Asia, I agree and consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal data by ASM Assembly Systems Asia or any of its affiliates and any persons or organizations acting on its behalf.


Personal data which has been provided by you shall be included in a data file under the responsibility of the affiliated entity of the ASMPT SMT Solution Segment in the Spanish territory to which you have applied for a position and maintained under its responsibility. Your specifically and unmistakably accept the transfer of your data to the suppliers of this entity in the field of selection and the management of candidates as well as for the maintenance of this tool in accordance with point 3. Data access. You can, at any time, exercise the rights of access, correction, cancellation and opposition regarding your personal data, with a request in writing addressed to

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