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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Use of personal data at the reception in our locations in Munich and Weymouth

In addition to our general privacy statement, which you can access at this link, you will find here, especially for the use of the collected personal data at our reception in Munich and Weymouth, further information on data protection.

If definitions from the general privacy policy should be specified or regulated differently here, the information contained in these topic-related privacy statement is given priority.

Section 1 What information is being collected?

  • We will not collect any more information than we need to fulfil our stated purposes and we will not retain it for longer than is necessary.
  • We may ask you for the following information:
    - Personal information such as your name
    - Contact information such as your mobile phone number and email address
    - The name of the organization or company you represent or work for
    - The make and registration number of your vehicle
    - The name of the person you are visiting and the reason for your visit
    - The time and date of the start and end of your visit

Section 2 Who and how is data collected from you?
ASM Reception staff may ask you verbally for information, or may ask you to complete a paper form.

Section 3 Why is data being collected and how will it be used?
The data we collect from you is used to:

  • Comply with fire regulations and ensure the security of other visitors and employees.
  • Your name and that of your company or organisation will be printed on to a visitor's identification badge which you will be asked to wear prominently in clear view of others for the duration of your visit.
  • Your details may be shared around the ASM business for our own ASM business purposes. For example
    - Vendors, where your products or skill-sets maybe of use to the ASM Group we may share your contact details to other parts of our business both inside and outside of the UK entity.
    - Prospective employees, where your skill-sets are of interest to different departments we may share your details, however this will be limited to the UK entity. We will only keep your details for a limited period (less than months or for the duration of the recruitment process)
    - All visitors - for the setup of temporary Wi-Fi access whilst you are on the premises subject to your agreement with the terms and conditions of the ASM guest Wi-Fi system.

Your signature on the visitor badge provides ASM with consent for the collection of this data and its subsequent use.

If there are any issues or concerns, please share these with Reception and we can review alternative options with you.

Section 4 No obligation to provide
You are neither contractually nor legally required to provide us with your personal information. If you do not provide us with your data during a visit to our office in Munich and/or Weymouth, this may result in our being unable to grant you access for security reasons.

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