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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Manufacture and finance with flexibility

Hit the ground running with smart financing for the SIPLACE SX

As the economy recovers, global demand is on the rise again. You want to keep up with the competition, invest in new capacities and upgrade your equipment, but classic bank loans are too rigid, and the negotiations take too long?

ASMPT has the solution for you

Together with our financing partner Siemens Finance Services (SFS), we offer modern and highly flexible financing solutions that are custom-tailored for your particular needs and capabilities.

How smart financing works today

You pay for your investment from the added performance and efficiency of your new SIPLACE SX line. You can even include expansions, additional ASMPT options and third-party solutions in the package deal – also retroactively.

Financing example*

2 x SIPLACE SX1 starting at € 9,000 per month
1 x DEK Printer starting at € 1,140 per month
1 x Process Lens starting at € 1,570 per month

One year later, new customer orders require you to add capacity. The flexible interchangeable gantries of the SIPLACE SX make this easy:

2 x SIPLACE Interchangeable Gantries starting at € 1,700 per month

If you want to keep the original monthly rates constant, you can extend the term for the whole package.

Your benefits:

  • SIPLACE SX – the most modern and most flexible equipment from the technology leader
  • No high startup investments – optimized cash flow
  • Transparent monthly operating costs that don’t hurt your balance sheet
  • No outside capital on your balance sheet – your credit lines remain open for other projects
  • Reflow ovens, AOI systems and other third-party solutions can be easily included
<>Intelligent financing

With the innovative and flexible payment plans of our financing partner SFS you expand your entrepreneurial scope by spreading your investment costs over the equipment’s usable life intelligently and in line with your budget.

<>Would you like to find out more?

Get in touch with us. We will show you how you can get your custom-tailored financing proposal for SIPLACE SX lines and more.

Set up an appointment


The terms and conditions outlined herein are only indicative and subject to a credit check and acceptance by our partner Siemens Financial Services GmbH.


The terms and conditions outlined herein might not be all-inclusive and are based upon information provided to date. The financing terms and conditions are only indicative and subject to formal credit approval by Siemens Financial Services. This proposal does not represent an offer or commitment by Lessor to enter into a lease transaction or to purchase the Equipment described in this proposal, and does not create any obligation for Lessor. A commitment to enter into the transaction described herein may only be extended by Lessor after this transaction has been approved by all necessary credit and other authorities within Lessor and a “written commitment letter” has been issued by Lessor. All information and quotations here are completely subject to legal requirements of the respective country.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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