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Software Solutions

Innovative, integrated and intelligent: Software solutions for modern electronics production

Our software solutions support electronics manufacturers in the digital transformation of their production processes and pave the way to Industry 4.0.

ASMPT is the only company that offers a comprehensive portfolio of hardware and software solutions and services for electronics production. From the machine and line level to the factory and enterprise level – the best-in-class software from ASMPT provides the foundation for its Open Automation concept and paves the way to the intelligent electronics factory of the future. The holistic software portfolio orchestrates people, equipment, processes and materials in an ideal manner and ensures sustained success and resilience.

More efficiency on all levels

Maximum line performance and operator relief

WORKS forms the basis for the Intelligent Factory and promotes step-by-step automation with a wide range of intelligent functions for all workflows on the shop floor. With powerful applications from the WORKS Software Suite, you get the most from your manufacturing lines while reducing your employees’ workloads, controlling and optimizing your production and material flows. 

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Intelligent support for technical and maintenance teams

With our solutions for efficient troubleshooting as well as the central administration and maintenance of all manufacturing assets, you provide your technical and maintenance teams with powerful applications that allow them to execute their duties more effectively and with less stress – all while significantly reducing the downtime of your systems and production lines.

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Five compelling benefits

Secure a technological edge through the use of modern software that is custom-tailored for the needs of future-proof electronics manufacturing

Improved efficiency through intelligent personnel deployment

Optimize the use of human resources with utmost efficiency. Assign your employees tasks that are in line with their qualifications while giving them direct access to the information they need on their desktop or mobile device so that they can do their work as effectively as possible.

Perfect material flow for maximum line productivity

Does your production suffer from machine downtime caused by missing components, unnecessary material travel, manual reordering, or buffer capacities on the line that take up space? Our material flow optimization software puts an end to all this. Its intelligent solutions ensure that materials are available where they are needed in the right quantity and at the right time.

Seamless integration of third-party equipment and systems

With its modular, flexible and manufacturer-independent Open Automation concept, ASMPT enables you not only to automate based on your needs, but to integrate third-party equipment based on the global standard for industrial communication: IPC-2591 CFX.

Quality control across the board

ASMPT’s software solutions incorporate comprehensive process expertise from the global technology and market leader in SMT manufacturing. In combination with SPI and AOI systems, our expert software ensures autonomous process optimization along the entire SMT line regardless of the equipment manufacturer and relieves process engineers from the burden of quality control activities.

Best possible use of existing equipment thanks to intelligent data preparation

With analytical software for optimizing the SMT process on the basis of empirical data, you can get the most out of your ASMPT equipment. Based on expert know-how, problematic aspects that lead to efficiency and performance shortfalls are systematically identified and localized. Our innovative software helps employees to identify the causes of problems, highlights potential losses, and points out potential improvements.

VEGA plays in the Champions League of automation

An integrated material management solution based on WORKS enables highly efficient setup processes and intelligent user guidance at VEGA Grieshaber in Schiltach, Germany.

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Finishing touch for Aros

By implementing software applications from the WORKS Smart Shop Floor Management Suite, Aros electronics in Sweden has made significant improvements in its material management and setup preparation areas.

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Perfect support for the material logistics manager at Velankani

Indian company Velankani Electronics, which manufacturers set-top boxes and smart meters in three shifts with state-of-the-art machinery and a high degree of automation does a lot more than simply manage its inventories.

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Factory Equipment Center provides the ideal automated maintenance schedule management solution for our SIPLACE X feeders. The system automatically detects and inventories the feeders. With the included instructions, tedious searching is eliminated and preparation time for inspections and repairs is minimized. This is how we ensure consistent repair and inspection. With Factory Equipment Center, we have been able to reduce the failure rate of our SIPLACE X feeders by 50%, resulting in higher productivity of our SMT line.
Endress + Hauser Gruppe

Technology partnerships

Only by combining the know-how and innovative power of SMT process experts and application development specialists can outstanding software solutions be created. For this reason, ASMPT enters into strategic technology partnerships with carefully selected software development companies. This synergy enables the development of practical, high-quality and state-of-the-art applications that increase the efficiency and performance of your entire SMT production.

Critical Manufacturing, S.A.
An ASMPT Company


A complete, powerful solution for asset and maintenance management

We will gladly give you a personal, custom-tailored product presentation of Factory Equipment Center along with a non-binding proposal.
Interested? Feel free to get in touch with us.

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Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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