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WORKS Planning

Multiline production planning and setup optimization

Distribute orders optimally over your production lines and combine them into family setups: The WORKS Planning application from ASMPT’s WORKS Software Suite enables even newcomers to the world of SMT production to schedule their production operations across multiple lines by combining ERP and line data.

WORKS Planning takes orders from the ERP system based on their deadlines and assigns them to your existing lines in accordance with their configurations. The intelligent application groups orders so that products with the same or similar component configurations are run directly following each other. This reduces the number of setups or even eliminates them.

On average, we plan to produce between 150 and 200 orders per week. The totality of our carefully managed attributes makes the difference because it forms the basis on which WORKS Planning determines the optimal solution in each case. The planning process used to be very time-consuming; the person who used to be in charge of it can now devote himself to other tasks. We will gradually transfer this successful concept to our other locations. Part of the reason everything runs so smoothly is that the ASMPT software communicates directly with the SIPLACE machines. ASMPT supplies the complete hardware and software from a single source.
Stefan Reichert, Technologist at Zollner

Your benefits at a glance

  • Planning based on real-time data for on-time production
  • Automatically distribution of orders over all existing lines
  • Optimized utilization of existing production facilities
  • Significant less material travel and setup efforts
  • Scheduling of NPI processes
  • Cooperates with WORKS Logistics

Software Demos – WORKS Planning

Secure your knowledge advantage with our remote demo

We offer existing and potential ASMPT SMT equipment users custom-tailored, in-depth product demonstrations which you can view from the comfort of your own office.
Are you interested? Please feel free to contact us.


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Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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