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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Sustainability at ASMPT

We know that Ethical Behavior and Environmental Social Governance (ESG) became a business-critical tool, not just for us, but for all companies, irrespective of the industry in which they operate. It is important for ASMPT and will be a differentiator going forward in terms of competitiveness and investor attractiveness.

"We are committed to halving all our emissions by the year 2030."

Therefore our strategy is backed by a detailed plan for the company.

ASMPT Environmental Social Governance Report

Our ASMPT vision is “Enabling the Digital World”. By this we do not only mean technical innovations or business decisions. Our vision is underpinned by a strategy that defines the company's success, while shaping a bright and sustainable future for customers, employees, investors, partner, and society in general.
Günter Lauber

EVP & Chief Strategy and Digitalization Officer, ASMPT

Our corporate ESG strategy is based on the ASMPT Group Strategy. Amongst others, we are committed to being recognized as a sustainable premium brand, thereby increasing value for our stakeholders. Moreover, we strive to improve our employees‘ wellbeing by ensuring ASMPT is a great place to work.
Richard Ooi

Senior Manager ESG Corporate Development, ASMPT

It is our social as well as corporate responsibility to ensure environmentally friendly business practices. Climate-neutral and sustainable actions will significantly influence the purchasing decisions of our customers.
Andreas Ernst

Senior Director Global Quality Management, ASMPT SMT Solutions

ASMPT’s Corporate Strategy

While we enjoy healthy growth, we also continually improve on our operating efficiency and resource stewardship as we strive to build a sustainable future that will create long-lasting value for our business, stakeholders, community and the environment.

We firmly believe that a successful business must be conducted in an environmentally and socially responsible as well as ethical manner, giving back to the communities where it operates. Hence we are committed to ensuring that our employees are protected and respected, our businesses align with ethical standards, our working environment is safe and healthy, and our responsiveness to the needs of the community.

ASMPT's Sustainability Framework


Nurturing our employees

We believe employees are our best assets and we are committed to building a future-ready workforce in an environment that allows them to grow and excel.

We are committed to minimising workplace risks and continuously seeking to improve workplace safety performance with our safety and health management systems.


Supporting our communities

We practise good corporate citizenship and contribute to the social well-being of the communities where we operate.

We support various charities and non-profit organisations through monetary donations.

We encourage and advocate active participation and contribution to the communities.


Creating value through innovations

We create value, focusing on R&D to deliver cutting-edge technology and product innovations to enable the digital world.

We strive to embed sustainability in our innovations through the efficient use of resources, recycling measures and reengineering of manufacturing processes.


Managing environmental impact

We commit to environmental sustainability, ensuring that our operations are carried out in a responsible manner.

We strive to reduce our emissions and energy consumption per component and implemented water treatment and recycling facilities..

We encourage our suppliers to adopt reusable and returnable material.

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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