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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus


The next level of digital transformation

The Intelligent Factory stands for a holistic and integrative view of electronics manufacturing that includes in-depth data analysis and utilization as well as advanced software technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and natural language processing (NLP). It integrates all levels from the machine to the line and factory through to the enterprise. As a further development of the Integrated Smart Factory, the Intelligent Factory is the answer to all the challenges of today's SMT production and ensures the right balance between automation and workforce deployment – with a strict focus on ROI.

Focus topics of the #IntelligentFactory

The concept of smart manufacturing is based on collecting, analyzing, and using data from multiple sources to automate and optimize processes. We have compiled detailed information here, as well as in our webinars, for areas of manufacturing where this concept can be particularly effective in improving efficiency and profitability.

#IntelligentFactory eMagazine

We have compiled specialist articles, best practices and short video clips on intelligent manufacturing for you. Find out more in our eMagazine:

  • how to use the data generated in your factory intelligently
  • how to deploy your workforce effectively
  • how to maximize the yield of your SMT lines
  • how to optimize material flow throughout your factory

In short, how to make your factory more productive, more resilient, and more future-proof in the face of increasing cost pressures, persistent skills shortages, and existing supply bottlenecks.

Take a look at our interactive eMagazine

#IntelligentFactory Interview

At the productronica, Mark Ogden spoke to Josef Ernst, CEO of ASMPT SMT Solutions, about intelligent manufacturing. Find out in the interview:

  • why an open automation strategy is the basis for digital transformation
  • what the difference is between the Intelligent Factory and the Integrated Smart Factory
  • how modern AI- and NLP-based software supports knowledge management
  • how machine learning contributes to increasing productivity and reducing costs

Conclusion: What still seems innovative today will soon be standard and decisive for competitive advantages.

The industry is changing: persistent skills shortages, cost pressures and scarce manufacturing space, dynamic markets, demanding industries, uncertain supply chains, and the continuing trend toward complexity and miniaturization. With our holistic and integrative Intelligent Factory approach, electronics manufacturers will become more productive, efficient, resilient and future-proof in challenging times.
Josef Ernst, CEO ASMPT SMT Solutions

Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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