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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus

Factory Equipment Center

Connected asset and maintenance management system

Each asset has its own specific properties and maintenance intervals, which makes administering them a highly complex task. How many feeders are currently in use? Which nozzles need to be replaced soon? Which placement head needs to be serviced, and when? Factory Equipment Center answers all these questions. The program connects automatically with machines and sensors and delivers a comprehensive overview and detailed reports for the prod few manual inputs.

All this data, which is continuously updated in real-time, provides valuable insights into the equipment’s utilization and effectiveness. The service team can use Factory Equipment Center to coordinate maintenance and repair activities with shop floor operations; it also receives valuable support for its work through multimedia instructions and checklists. In short, Factory Equipment Center is an excellent way to maximize your overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

The advantages at a glance

How your employees benefit

  • For Production Manager
  • For Quality Manager
  • For Maintenance Engineers

Benefits for the Production Manager

  • Production with maximum reliability, speed and quality
  • Sheduled maintenance to interfere as little as possible with delivery deadlines
  • Meeting production targets
  • Meeting customers demand in costs, quality and time
  • Immediate insight into the utilization and use of assets
  • Overseeing the manufacturing processes and line resources for a cost-effective production with minimum line stops

Benefits for the Quality Manager

  • Satisfy the audit requirements of demanding customers (equipment meets the required quality standards)
  • Equipment is taken care of and can be unequivocally demonstrated, also by data coming from the machine (calibration and verification data)

Benefits for Maintenance Engineer

  • Easy, efficient, and standardized documentation of maintenance steps
  • Transparency in production
  • Information about errors and equipment performance
  • Improved transparency to simplify maintenance scheduling in central system (usage based, cycle based
  • Continuous tracking of machine locations and all flexibly deployed assets
  • Active information on upcoming activities
  • Early information on deviations from the standard
  • Transparently coordinated process regulations

DEK TQ Platform

Maximum quality, performance and flexibility in an intelligent factory

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Features at a glance


Automatic recording of assets, real-time status tracking, up-to-date verification and location data, direct access to perform maintenance.


Central maintenance calendar for all assets with status indicators, checklists, and automatic task assignments via e-mail.


Provision of digitized maintenance procedures, instructions, checklists, and multimedia-based assistance for service technicians on a central portal.


Central access to verification and calibration status of machines, heads and feeders, and nozzles


System data in real-time, displayed as a line diagram. Automatic notification when threshold values are exceeded. 


Automated central reporting with user-friendly dashboards. For each completed activity including date, duration, and material use. 

Remote access

Direct access to equipment using ASMPT's Remote Smart Factory from central system


Lock feeders on maintenance due, scheduled for repair, or not being released for a machine automatically; technicians get notified.

Factory Equipment Center bietet die ideale Lösung zur automatisierten Verwaltung eines Wartungsplans für unsere SIPLACE X Feeder. Das System erkennt und inventarisiert die Feeder automatisch. Mit den mitgelieferten Anleitungen entfällt das mühsame Suchen, und die Vorbereitungszeit für Inspektionen und Reparaturen wird minimiert. So gewährleisten wir eine einheitliche Reparatur und Inspektion. Mit Factory Equipment Center konnten wir die Ausfallrate unserer SIPLACE X Feeder um 50% reduzieren, was zu einer höheren Produktivität unserer SMT-Linie führt.
Making the right decisions requires data that’s solid and up to date, and this also applies to asset and maintenance management. Factory Equipment Center is the perfect tool for this.
James Leather, Director IoT Solutions, ASMPT SMT Solutions


White paper on intelligent maintenance

Achieving process reliability in the fast-paced world of Industry 4.0 and just-in-time supply chains is paramount on the SMT shop floor.

The key lies in systematic maintenance of production assets, seamlessly integrated into ongoing manufacturing operations. Leverage cutting-edge software for efficient and effective condition-based maintenance, including the crucial feeders that significantly impact process stability.

Discover more in our whitepaper on intelligent maintenance strategies.

Get your white paper

The right solution for every use



  • Unlimited ASMPT Feeders
  • Time and usage-based maintenance


  • 10 Assets from any vendor
  • Time-based maintenance
  • Data monitoring for ASMPT equipment

Unlimited Users

Reporting: Feeder and Equipment reports

Optional Nozzle Management: Time and usage-based maintenance for an unlimited number of Smart Nozzles



  • Unlimited ASMPT Feeders
  • Time- and usage-based maintenance


  • 50 Assets from any vendor
  • Time-based maintenance
  • Data monitoring for ASMPT equipment

Unlimited Users

Reporting: Feeder and Equipment reports

Optional Nozzle Management: Time and usage-based maintenance for an unlimited number of Smart Nozzles



  • Unlimited ASMPT Feeders
  • Time- and usage-based maintenance


  • 50 Assets from any vendor
  • Time-based maintenance
  • Data monitoring for ASMPT equipment

Unlimited Users

Reporting: Feeder and Equipment reports

Optional Nozzle Management: Time and usage-based maintenance for an unlimited number of Smart Nozzles

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As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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