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SMT topics in focus


SMT topics in focus


Our placement solution for high-mix electronics production

What happens when the most demanding electronics manufacturers get together with the most innovative developers? They go to work to make the best placement solution on the market even better. The new generation of the SIPLACE SX placement platform is now faster, more accurate and more flexible. It is also smart, open, learns quickly, adapts to any challenge, and makes your employees’ lives.

Capacity on Demand

The SIPLACE SX puts an end to rigid line concepts and fixed capacities. When demand rises and short-term order changes loom, the SIPLACE SX allows you to quickly adapt your production to volatile markets. You can add or remove SIPLACE SX gantries in minutes, enabling you to increase line capacities or shift them to other lines suffering from bottlenecks. The result: Your production becomes dynamic and adapts optimally to current requirements.


Maximum flexibility for the intelligent factory

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Case Study System Electronics: Electronics production that's state-of-the-art

Our customers look for excellence. SIPLACE SX placement machines perfectly reflect our core competencies of flexibility and quality.
Andrea Gozzi, General Manager at System Electronics


Power electronics for demanding applications like electromobility increase the need for odd-shaped components (OSCs). With the SIPLACE SX, you integrate the handling of OSCs as well as the clinching process into the SMT line and master all challenges through the perfect interaction of the placement head and the vision system.

Your benefits:

  • Placement forces of up to 100 N
  • Snap-in detection for connectors
  • Real-time 3D measurement of contact pins
  • Automatic optimization of placement speed
  • Automatic adjustment of lighting parameters for optical centering of odd-shaped components
  • Detection of broken components via the component camera prior to pickup
  • Processing of components weighing up to 300 g
  • Measurement of components’ mass inertia

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SIPLACE SX at a glance

ASMPT combines a seamless product portfolio with a decidedly customer-friendly service mentality. They also impressed us with their commitment to sustainability.
Dominik Heber, Supervisor of Production Area SMD at elobau

Secure your knowledge advantage with our remote demo

We offer for existing and potential ASMPT SMT equipment users custom-tailored, in-depth product demonstrations which you can view in the comfort of your own office.
Are you interested? Please feel free to contact us.


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Best-in-class solutions

As the industry’s technology leader, ASMPT offers a broad portfolio of best-in-class products. Our solutions stand out with their perfect interaction of hardware, software and service components – powerful, smart, and ready to raise your production to a new level.

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