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SMT-Themen im Fokus


SMT-Themen im Fokus

ASMPT @ productronica 2023

Der Countdown für die Weltleitmesse für Elektronikentwicklung und -fertigung läuft. Sind Sie dabei?

ASMPT is at APEX Booth #1436
Anaheim Convention Center

with its segments ASMPT SMT Solutions and its software division, MES specialist Critical Manufacturing.

The booth will have a full production line which includes the DEK TQ-L with Automated Paste Transfer and Quick Exchange Squeegees. The Line also has Process Lens SPI, SIPLACE TX High Speed Placement, and SIPLACE SX with OSC/THT and clinching capability, CRDL Test Feeder, Force Measurement Feeder and Glue feeder.

In our Experience Areas you will find a wide range of hardware and software innovations, where our experts will provide you with answers to essential questions that are currently affecting electronics manufacturing:

  • How can I make intelligent use of the data volumes generated in my production?
  • How can I enhance the productivity of my employees?
  • How do I maximize the yield of my SMT lines?
  • How do I optimize the flow of materials throughout my production?

In a nutshell: How can my manufacturing become more productive, resilient and future-proof in the face of increasing cost pressure, a persistent shortage of skilled workers and existing supply bottlenecks?

DEK TQ and TQ L Printing Machine


ASMPT Products Placement SIPLACE SX Line

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* Pflichtfeld

Best-in-Class Lösungen

Als Technologieführer der Branche bietet ASMPT ein breites Portfolio an Best-in-Class Produkte. Unsere Lösungen zeichnen sich durch das perfekte Zusammenspiel von Hardware-, Software- und Servicekomponenten aus - leistungsstark, smart und bereit, Ihre Fertigung auf ein neues Niveau zu heben.

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